While form should always follow function in the creation of a
complete street,
form still matters. Here is 4th Street from
2 years ago.
4th Street, circa 2009 |
And here is 4th Street
now. Note the:
- Pedestrian refuge islands to provide for those crossing the street - function
- Narrow lanes to reduce vehicle speed - function
- Bike lanes to increase roadway capacity - function
- Center-island medians that prevent 250,000 gallons of run-off per year - function
- Tree-lined medians to provide boulevard-style tree canopy - form
- Red brick medians - form
- All on-street parking has been retained - function
- Wide decorative "brick" crosswalks - form and function
The inclusion of form with function creates a complete street that not only works well but is attractive and beneficial to
retaining property values for those that live there. What if
Route 1 looked like this through our fair City? Why can't it?