Showing posts with label bike rack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bike rack. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bike Routes, by Comfort Level

This map below shows Laurel's preferred bike routes, color-coded by ease of ride-ability. Blue Routes are residential collector roads - very easy to bike in the street with low traffic volume and low speeds. Novice riders should feel comfortable riding in the street.  Green Routes have slightly more traffic volume but are easy to ride because they have bike lanes and/or wide shoulders and/or low speeds.  Yellow Routes have moderate volume and speeds but should still provide a level of comfort for the average rider.  Red Routes are high-volume with either high speeds or narrow lanes.  These are not for average riders. Click on each colored link to find a brief description of the Route.  Finally, the little bike symbols show where bike parking can be found.

View bicycle level of comfort City of Laurel, MD in a larger map

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year in review; and some new ideas, too!

The following is a quick review of pedestrian & bike capital improvements in Laurel. The City:
  • added bike lanes on Cypress Street, including the City’s first bike box.
  • added sidewalk on 7th Street in Old Town.
  • added Laurel Lakes Drive near the Safeway.
  • added a 8’ wide hiker-biker trail on Van Dusen, south of MD 198.
  • added bike sharrows on Laurel Lakes Drive
  • widened the sidewalk on a large portion of Cherry Lane to 8’ wide.
  • Brooklyn Bridge Road was resurfaced by the County with wider shoulders near the gully. The wider shoulders make it easier on bikers and joggers.
  • MD SHa, at the City’s behest, installed sidewalk on Route 1 south of Cypress, completing the sidewalk network for the entire length of Route 1 in the City.
  • The bike lanes on 4th Street were completed
  • Bike parking was added to City Hall and to the new 5th Street Community Center.
  • Decorative period-style sign posts and sign backers were installed on parts of Main Street.
  • The crosswalks were widened on Cherry Lane at 4th Street.
Very good year for those not dependent on their cars.  Now, let’s keep up the momentum by:
  • Installing bike lanes on the Mulberry and Laurel Place to complete the north-south bike route through the entire city.  Conceptual plans have already been drawn up and can be incorporated into the CIP’s resurfacing project for both roads.
  • Updating policy and infrastructure goals/designs of the City’s Bike Masterplan.  This should be a winter-time project. I volunteer to lead the public hearings, draft  any policy changes and create the visuals, if need be.  But given that the masterplan is now attached to the City’s Uniformed Land Development Code, it is imperative to keep this plan updated and fresh.
  • Prohibit parking on Laurel Place. 
  • Consider policy changes that allow bicyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs and signals as stop signs.
  • Installing cycle-tracks on Van Dusen and buffered bike lanes on Cherry Lane.
  • Completing the 8' trail south of the dog park.
  • Planting more shade trees along existing trails.
  • Finding a way to get more bus shelters in place – too many “sticks in the ground” are posing as bus stops, without shelters or even sidewalk leading to the stop.  This needs to change if we are going to encourage alternative transportation modes.
Have a great 2012, Laurel!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Community Center Bike Parking

Custom bike hitches at new community center on 811 5th Street

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

City Hall gets custom bike rack

Click on Picture to Enlarge

Monday, September 27, 2010

City Branding with Bike Parking

The City has purchased new custom bike hitches. The hitches will be placed at municipal buildings and parks and facilities along existing and proposed bike routes.  These offer a common bike parking solution that is unique and identifiable with the City of Laurel.  In addition, they also complement and blend-in with our existing public infrastructure - such as the decorative lamp posts, trash can and benches found on Main Street and throughout the City.

City of Laurel Bike Hitch