There has been a long-standing gap in the sidewalk network along the City's main north-south commercial corridor, Route 1. This gap is the section along Route 1 in the southern part of the City between the Contee Shopping Center and the rest of the City north of Braygreen Road. See picture below taken from the City's Bike MasterPlan.
Only sidewalk gap on Route 1. |
DPW requested sidewalk from the State about a year ago. The State obliged and is putting in a new 5' sidewalk, with a 4' buffer between the sidewalk and road. The buffer provides room for further expansion to a full fledged hiker-biker trail that meets up with the City's existing designated bike routes
(and ideally will go all the way down to Muirkirk Station and College Park, one day). This new sidewalk is a big feather in the City's cap, as it
completes the sidewalk network for the
entire Route 1 corridor (on the west side, at least). Well done DPW - you've made a lot of people safer and made their trips more convenient.
On a different note, posts on this Blog will be much more infrequent, as I am no longer in the City's employ. Hopefully, the City will grant me the opportunity to volunteer in whatever capacity I may be of service. Thank you Laurel; it has been an honor to work for you.