Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Street Light Added to 6th & Talbot
The City recently added street lighting to the intersection of 6th Street and Talbot Ave (MD 198 westbound). This intersection is at a sharp bend in MD 198, and is particularly dark when the trees are in full bloom. The added lights should make this intersection safer for pedestrians and motorists.
Sidewalk improvement project on vacation
This month, contractors started working on sidewalk and curb/gutter improvements around the City. The City's contractors will not be working for the remainder of this calendar year. There will be no restrictions on on-street parking during this time.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pedestrian Safety (unscientific) Poll Results
Two months ago, this site polled residents on pedestrian safety. Given the size of the city, 27 respondents isn’t statistically significant, but here are the results nonetheless:
- 25% said “Yes, there is plenty of sidewalk and safe crossings"
- 33% said “No, too many fast cars”
- 7% said “Yes, but more lighting is needed”
- 22% said “Pedestrian facilities are inadequate”
- 11% of respondents said that “They don’t walk much through the City”
The City of Laurel regularly addresses the issues listed in this poll through periodic lighting surveys, new sidewalk, speed surveys, new crosswalks, traffic calming, etc. Since over 60% of respondents felt that pedestrian facilities were inadequate to some degree, we offer a follow-up question: Assuming you live in the City of Laurel (see Map below), where do you feel that pedestrian facilities are inadequate?
Click to Enlarge
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sidewalk Repair around Town
Beginning at the end of November, cracked and separated sidewalk will be replaced on the following streets:
- Berryleaf Drive
- Summerwind Circle
- Concord Ave
- Scotch Drive
- Colony Ave
- Shannon Ave
- Saratoga Ave
- Plaid Drive
- Scotch Drive
- Haines Court
- Killbarron/Van Dusen (ADA ramp)
- Dorset Rd @ Scotchtown Hills Elementary (ADA ramps)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Decorative Crosswalks on Montgomery Street
For the next few weeks, the City will be installing 9-ft wide decorative crosswalks at every intersection along Montgomery Street from 4th Street to 10th Street. This process requires closing one side of the Montgomery at the intersection where the installation is taking place. Your patience is appreciated for this final step in the lengthy process of repairing/resurfacing Montgomery Street's roadway and sidewalks.
The newly-improved Intersection of 4th/Montgomery
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Results of Traffic Calming Study on Montgomery Street
Last year, the Laurel Department of Public Works conducted a speed study on Montgomery Street, near 11th Street, and determined that there were a large proportion of speeders at this residential location. DPW recently installed a center-island median, bright crosswalks, and a pedestrian pedestal at 11th Street and Montgomery Street (see Figure). DPW then conducted an after study to see if the traffic calming elements had the desired effect. As shown in the Figure below, 59% of all non-turning vehicles exceeded 30 mph prior to the traffic calming installation. After the installation, this number was reduced to 19% of all non-turning vehicles. The graph shows the motorists can still conveniently travel at the speed limit (25 mph), but are far less inclined to speed excessively. This balance of safety and convenience represents a win-win for both motorists driving through the neighborhood and for residents of the area who are more inclined to walk.
Friday, October 23, 2009
New Sidewalk along Van Dusen Road
The City of Laurel will be installing new sidewalk and curb-and-gutter along Van Dusen Road between Cherry Lane and Laurel Oaks Lane. Van Dusen has a high number of speeders, and there is currently no sidewalk along this segment. This segment is heavily used by pedestrians (primarily by school children), as evident by the path worn out in the grass along the road's shoulder. As shown in the figure below, this new sidewalk will connect the private sidewalk adjacent to the condominiums on Laurel Oaks Lane with the sidewalk along Cherry Lane, allowing residents a safer and more convenient passage.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Transportation and Public Safety Committee Meeting
On Tuesday October 27, 2009 at 7pm, Laurel will have its quarterly Transportation and Public Safety Committee meeting. The meeting will be held in room #2 at City Hall. Residents with concerns about roadway safety or congestion on City roads are encouraged to attend. Items currently on the agenda include:
- Montgomery Street traffic improvements
- Pedestrian safety at 10th and Montrose.
- Prohibited Parking in Wellington Subdivision – Ordinance 1436
- Traffic Safety at Laurel High
- Nightime visibiliy at Talbot and 5th.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Montgomery Street - the Light at the end of the Tunnel
For some time now, local drivers have had to endure the Mess on Montgomery Street due to the installation of new water and sewer lines. As of this writing, The City has scheduled with contractors to pave Montgomery Street this month. We recognize that on-street parking is heavily used on Montgomery Street, but in order to expedite the paving, please adhere to the temporary "No Parking" signs when they are posted along the street. The signs will be posted 48 hours prior to paving, per DPW policy.
Prior to Montgomery Street, the following streets will also be paved:
Prior to Montgomery Street, the following streets will also be paved:
- Ward
- 8th Street
- Lafayette
- Fairlawn
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bikeway MasterPlan Approved by City
On September 28, 2009, the Mayor and City Council approved Resolution No. 10-09 - a resolution to approve and adopt a City of Laurel Bikeway Master Plan.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
City unveils new Bikway Plan

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Traffic Calming: Before-and-After Study
The City of Laurel conducted a Before-and-After Study of traffic calming measures at two locations in the City:
1) Greenview Drive
2) Montrose Traffic Circle.
1) Greenview Drive
2) Montrose Traffic Circle.
- Narrowing the roadway on Greenview, by striping parking lanes, resulted in an 11% reduction in all speeders and a 21% reduction in motorists who exceeded the speed limit by 10+ mph.
- Constricting the westbound lane entering the Montrose traffic circle from 16 ft to 13 ft wide and adding splitter islands to the traffic circle reduced the number of speeders (25+mph) by 80%. Motorists traveling 30+ mph were reduced by 96%.
(click Greenview graph for larger figure)
(click Montrose graph for larger figure)
pedestrian safety,
traffic calming
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Current or Pending Pedestrian Safety Improvements (updated weekly)
4th Street
8th Street
9th Street
10th Street
Alan Drive
Carrissa Lane
Dorset Road
Fairlawn Ave
Greenview Drive
Update: Complete
Kalmia Drive
KillBarron Road
Lafayette Street
Laurel Oaks Lane
Laurelton Drive
Main Street
Montgomery Street
Montrose Ave
St. Mary’s Ave
Van Dusen Road Ward Street

compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
High Visibility Decorative Crosswalks at multiple Locations - Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Signs
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- High-visibility crosswalks at McCullagh Field
Update: Complete
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- ADA compliant sidewalk ramps
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Dorset Road
- ADA compliant sidewalk ramps at crosswalks in front of Scotchtown Hills Elementary School
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- High Visibility Crosswalks at Clubhouse Lan
- Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Sign
- Striping for parking lane to address traffic calming
See Figure 1 for illustration.
Update: Complete
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - High Visibility Crosswalks at Erica Lane
- Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
Update: Completed July, 2009
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
ADA compliant sidewalk ramps
Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
Update: Completed - Spring 2010
- Traffic Calming near 10th Street. See Figure 10.
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- Traffic Calming at 11th Street. See Figure 11.
Update: Completed
- High Visibility Crosswalks at
Centennial Park Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Signs atCentennial Park. See Figure 8. Concrete Islands and Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Signs at Traffic Circle. See Figure 7.
Update: Completed
St. Mary’s Ave
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- High Visibility Decorative Crosswalks at multiple Locations
Update: Complete.
- Countdown Pedestrian Signal (CPS) and Audible Pedestrian Signal (APS) at intersection with Killbarron Road. See Figure 3. Completed September 2009
- Countdown Pedestrian Signal (CPS) and Audible Pedestrian Signal (APS) at intersection with Cherry Lane. See Figure 9. Update: Completed July,2009
- High-Visibility Crosswalk at Killbarron Drive. Update: Completed August 2009
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Figure 1: Proposed striping/signage improvements to the intersection of Clubhouse and Greenview
Figure 2: Missing Sidewalk on Killbarron (before) and New Sidewalk leading up to the asphalt path on Van Dusen (after).
Figure 3: Intersection of Van Dusen and Olive Branch/Killbarron
Figure 4: Illustration of bulb-outs at Main and 5th.

Figure 6: Illustration of new Decorative Crosswalk
Figure 7: Before-and-after conditions showing concrete islands for traffic circle and new circle striping. Not to scale.
Figure 8: Relocated pedestrian ramp and new crosswalk and signage.
Figure 9: Van Dusen and Cherry. Installation of new Pedestrian Countdown Signal (PCS) and new Audible Pedestrian Signal (APS)
Figure 10: Rendering of the Intersection of Montgomery Street and Sandy Spring, with realigned decorative crosswalks and bulb-outs to reduce pedestrian crossing distance and calm vehicle traffic.
Figure 11: Rendering of the Intersection of Montgomery Street and 11th, with traffic calming center island and high-visibility crosswalk.
10th street,
4th street,
8th street,
9th street,
pedestrian signal,
Van Dusen
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