compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
High Visibility Decorative Crosswalks at multiple Locations - Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Signs
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- High-visibility crosswalks at McCullagh Field
Update: Complete
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- ADA compliant sidewalk ramps
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Dorset Road
- ADA compliant sidewalk ramps at crosswalks in front of Scotchtown Hills Elementary School
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- High Visibility Crosswalks at Clubhouse Lan
- Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Sign
- Striping for parking lane to address traffic calming
See Figure 1 for illustration.
Update: Complete
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - High Visibility Crosswalks at Erica Lane
- Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
Update: Completed July, 2009
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
ADA compliant sidewalk ramps
Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Update: Completed July, 2009
Update: Completed - Spring 2010
- Traffic Calming near 10th Street. See Figure 10.
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- Traffic Calming at 11th Street. See Figure 11.
Update: Completed
- High Visibility Crosswalks at
Centennial Park Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Signs atCentennial Park. See Figure 8. Concrete Islands and Pedestrian Crosswalk Locator Signs at Traffic Circle. See Figure 7.
Update: Completed
St. Mary’s Ave
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
- High Visibility Decorative Crosswalks at multiple Locations
Update: Complete.
- Countdown Pedestrian Signal (CPS) and Audible Pedestrian Signal (APS) at intersection with Killbarron Road. See Figure 3. Completed September 2009
- Countdown Pedestrian Signal (CPS) and Audible Pedestrian Signal (APS) at intersection with Cherry Lane. See Figure 9. Update: Completed July,2009
- High-Visibility Crosswalk at Killbarron Drive. Update: Completed August 2009
compliant sidewalk rampsADA - Repair broken and uneven sidewalk
Figure 1: Proposed striping/signage improvements to the intersection of Clubhouse and Greenview
Figure 2: Missing Sidewalk on Killbarron (before) and New Sidewalk leading up to the asphalt path on Van Dusen (after).
Figure 3: Intersection of Van Dusen and Olive Branch/Killbarron
Figure 4: Illustration of bulb-outs at Main and 5th.

Figure 6: Illustration of new Decorative Crosswalk
Figure 7: Before-and-after conditions showing concrete islands for traffic circle and new circle striping. Not to scale.
Figure 8: Relocated pedestrian ramp and new crosswalk and signage.
Figure 9: Van Dusen and Cherry. Installation of new Pedestrian Countdown Signal (PCS) and new Audible Pedestrian Signal (APS)
Figure 10: Rendering of the Intersection of Montgomery Street and Sandy Spring, with realigned decorative crosswalks and bulb-outs to reduce pedestrian crossing distance and calm vehicle traffic.
Figure 11: Rendering of the Intersection of Montgomery Street and 11th, with traffic calming center island and high-visibility crosswalk.